30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee you a 30-day money back period on all products. Should you be dissatisfied with the product(s) you have received or they simply don't meet your expectations, you have 30 days from date of receipt to send them back to us. We will refund you the full amount of the product(s). Further information can be found in our terms and conditions.

Can I return prescription glasses and sunglasses? Of course, we also accept frames that have been fitted with prescription lenses. If you want to change to your correction values, we can also replace the lenses.

Simply fill out zambati's adjustment/returns form and send it back to us together with your order. In order to obtain the form please send an email to [email protected] with subject "returns form request".

Tip for varifocal users: our experience is that most people need a little bit of time to get used to their varifocal glasses. Please contact our customer service team should you experience any difficulties before sending them back.